Community Service

Pre-Approval Form

Download the MSHS Community Service Form.


Please see the board outside the MS/HS office for more information.


Community Involvement Graduation Requirement:

  • The Northville Central School’s Board of Education requires forty (40) hours of of Community Service as a prerequisite for high school graduation.

Community Involvement Guidelines:

  • Activities to accumulate hours are to commence the summer of your freshman year and must be completed prior to June 1 of your graduation year.
  • No monetary compensation (pay, tips) may be accepted.
  • Students may not ask to do activities for relatives or private businesses owned by relatives.
  • All activities must be pre­approved. Submit “Community Involvement Form” to the High School Office for approval PRIOR to starting the hours. No hours will be approved after the fact.
  • Completion of the Community Involvement Activities is the student’s responsibility. Failure to complete the requirement will bar the student from graduation.
  • Activities are to be conducted within the general Northville area, unless otherwise approved by MS/HS Administration.
  • Students are not allowed to conduct community involvement during the regular school day, unless otherwise approved by MS/HS Administration.