Technology Plan

2022-2025 Instructional Technology Plan

I. District LEA Information

  1. What is the name of the district administrator responsible for entering the Instructional Technology Plan data?
    1. Tammy Reidell
  2. What is the title of the district administrator responsible for entering the Instructional Technology Plan data?
    1. Principal

II. Strategic Technology Plan

  1. What is the overall district mission?
    1. Graduates of Northville Central School District are engaged critical thinkers and accomplished decision makers.
  2. What is the vision statement that guides instructional technology use in the district?
    1. Students will be engaged critical thinkers and responsible digital citizens while integrating technology to become college and career ready.
  3. Summarize the planning process used to develop answers to the Instructional Technology Plan questions and/or your district comprehensive Instructional Technology Plan. Please include the stakeholder groups participating and the outcomes of the instructional technology plan development meetings.
    1. Northville’s technology committee meets throughout the year to address technology needs, assess the current technology plan and increase the relevance and use of technology in our district. The committee consists of elementary principal, high school principal, director of technology, two high school teachers, two special education teachers and one elementary teacher. The district conducts years staff and student surveys to gain additional feedback regarding the school’s technological needs, goals and improvements. In addition, there is a Board of Education technology sub- committee to help guide and provide input to the district’s overall technology plan.
  4. How does the district’s Instructional Technology Plan build upon, continue the work of, and improve upon the previous three-year plan?
    1. This Technology Plan reflects the accomplishments made and goals achieved in the prior technology. The planning committee recognized outside factors, such as the pandemic, accelerated the pace of learning and use of technology for both staff and students. In reviewing the prior plan’s action steps and goals, the planning committee identified areas the district was successful in such as implementing Google Classroom and 1:1 Chromebooks, as well as areas of support such as professional development. Although not fully met, the planning committee recognizes that professional development is an area of high need due to the rapid increase of use and platforms within the technology realm.
  5. How does the district Instructional Technology Plan reflect experiences during the COVID pandemic?
    1. The Instructional Technology Plan includes continuing to purchase Chromebooks to sustain our 1:1 program which was implemented during the COVID pandemic. We have recognized the need to support our staff by increasing our technology professional development and identifying a lead teacher in technology integration. The planning committee identifies the need to increase student engagement post-pandemic, which can be accomplished through innovative software and course offerings.
  6. Is your district currently fully 1:1?
    1. Yes
  7. Please describe the professional development plan for building the capacity of educators and administrators in the attainment of the instructional technology vision as stated in response to question 2.
    1. At the beginning of the year, as part of the regular school Symposium, teachers and classroom staff will participate in a needs assessment for professional development/training with the Superintendent and Principals. From this a prioritized and personalized list of growth opportunities, training and support will be developed, Staff will receive focused training geared toward using instructional software, maximizing classroom use and integrating learning standards and curriculum through the use of technology. Examples include: – Computer fluency and digital citizenship – Peer training and coaching – Opportunities for staff to attend conferences and online training – Authentic learning opportunities – Data analysis – Computer Science courses including programming and digital media.

III. Goal Attainment

  1. Digital Content – The District uses standards-based, accessible digital content that supports all curricula for all learners. The district has met this goal:
    1. Moderately
  2. Digital Use – The District’s learners, teachers, and administrators are proficient in the use of technology for learning. The district has met this goal:
    1. Significantly
  3. Digital Capacity and Access – The District’s technology infrastructure supports learning and teaching in all of the District’s environments. The district has met this goal:
    1. Fully
  4. Leadership – The District Instructional Technology Plan is in alignment with the Statewide Learning Technology Plan vision. The district has met this goal:
    1. Fully
  5. Accountability – District-level information is posted on the District website, is easy to access, and is easily understood. Information provided includes the results achieved by the District in its efforts to enable students to build knowledge, master skills, and grasp opportunities for a better life. The district has met this goal:
    1. Fully

IV. Action Plan – Goal 1

  1. Goal #1: Develop curriculum and acquire resources to align with the digital fluency and computer science standards.
  2. Select the NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal.
    1. Provide access to relevant and rigorous professional development to ensure educators and leaders are proficient in the integration of learning technologies.
  3. Target Student Population(s)
    1. All students
  4. Additional Target Population(s):
    1. Teachers/Teacher Aides
    2. Administrators
    3. Technology Integration Specialists
  5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, other technology evaluation programs, etc.
    1. Teachers will be given one half-day release time to create two assessments to determine standards have been met in their grade level. Success will be measured by 80% of students achieving proficiency (65% is considered passing).
    2. Administrators will develop a checklist to determine the successful implementation of the digital fluency standards and conduct walkthroughs to determine the implantation of standards. Such key details they will look for include:
      1. Example 3: Students can search for different types of computer science jobs on the internet with teacher supervision, which addresses the standard 2-3.IC.7. – purchasing Chromebooks to support this goal.
  6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #1 from your answer to Question 1, above.
    1. Action Step 1
      1. Action Step: Curriculum
      2. Action Step – Description: Map and create curriculum to integrate digital fluency and computer science standards.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Building Principal
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2023
      5. Anticipated cost: $3,000
    2. Action Step 2
      1. Action Step: Purchasing
      2. Action Step – Description: Purchase 100 Chromebooks to maintain current 1:1 program.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2023
      5. Anticipated cost: $35,000
    3. Action Step 3
      1. Action Step: Implementation
      2. Action Step – Description: Purchase and integrate Chromebook classroom monitoring software.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2023
      5. Anticipated cost: $3,000

IV. Action Plan – Goal 2

  1. Goal #2: Provide access to relevant and rigorous professional development to ensure educators and leaders are proficient in the integration of learning technologies.
  2. Select the NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal.
    1. Provide access to relevant and rigorous professional development to ensure educators and leaders are proficient in the integration of learning technologies.
  3. Target Student Population(s)
    1. All students
  4. Additional Target Population(s)
    1. Teachers/Teacher Aides
    2. Administrators
  5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, other technology evaluation programs, etc.
    1. Monitoring attendance for district-led professional development.
    2. Professional Development exit survey will be provided after all district training sessions. Information will be reviewed monthly or on a regular basis between sessions by principals for incremental adjustments.
    3. Principals will compare data with other regional schools and adjust as needed.
    4. The goal will be accomplished when 90% of staff engage in professional learning opportunities provided by the district at least 4 times a year.
  6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #2 from your answer to Question 1, above.
    1. Action Step 1
      1. Action Step: Staffing
      2. Action Step – Description: Appoint a lead teacher to assist with integrating technology in the classroom to provide in-house professional development.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Building Principal
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2024
      5. Anticipated cost: $90,000
    2. Action Step 2
      1. Action Step: Professional Development
      2. Action Step – Description: Enroll in Model Schools through BCOES.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2023
      5. Anticipated cost: $12,500
    3. Action Step 3
      1. Action Step: Professional Development
      2. Action Step – Description: Provide funding for staff to attend conferences and workshops offsite.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Building Principal
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2025
      5. Anticipated cost: $10,000

IV. Action Plan – Goal 3

  1. Goal #3: Create a technology pathway that is rigorous and relevant, and that focuses on the knowledge and skills students need for careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
  2. Select the NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal.
    1. Provide technology-enhanced, culturally- and linguistically responsive learning environments to support improved teaching and learning.
  3. Target Student Population(s)
    1. High School
  4. Additional Target Population(s)
    1. Teachers/Teacher Aides
    2. Administrators
  5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, other technology evaluation programs, etc.
    1. Student enrollment in computer science courses will be monitored.
    2. List of target objectives will be assessed through formative and summative assessments throughout the course.
    3. Students are considered proficient with a 65% passing score.
    4. Completion of computer science and digital media lab.
  6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #3 from your answer to Question 1, above.
    1. Action Step 1
      1. Action Step: Curriculum
      2. Action Step – Description: Develop curriculum for CS101 and advanced computer science courses such as programming and digital media.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Classroom Teacher
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2024
      5. Anticipated cost: $2,000.00
    2. Action Step 2
      1. Action Step: Learning Spaces
      2. Action Step – Description: Create a computer science/digital media computer lab.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2025
      5. Anticipated cost: $40,000
    3. Action Step 3
      1. Action Step: Learning Spaces
      2. Action Step – Description: Upgrade computers in current Advanced Fabrication computer lab.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2024
      5. Anticipated cost: $30,000
    4. Action Step 4
      1. Action Step: Purchasing
      2. Action Step – Description: Purchase needed software for computer programming and digital media courses.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2025
      5. Anticipated cost: $5,000
  7. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #3 from your answer to Question 1, above.
    1. Action Step 5
      1. Action Step: Staffing
      2. Action Step – Description: Hire additional technology staff member to support increasing technology within the district.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2023
      5. Anticipated cost: $50,000
  8. Would you like to list a fourth goal?
    1. Yes

IV. Action Plan – Goal 4

  1. Goal #4: Expand access to innovative technology and programs to support social emotional learning, enhance student engagement to increase attachment to the school community post-pandemic and promote equity.
  2. Select the NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal.
    1. Develop a strategic vision and goals to support student achievement and engagement through the seamless integration of technology into teaching and learning.
  3. Target Student Population(s)
    1. All students.
  4. Additional Target Population(s)
    1. Teachers/Teacher Aides
    2. Administrators
    3. Technology Integration Specialists
  5. How will this instructional technology goal be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools and/or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Examples might be formative data, local, state, and/or national LEA benchmarks, metrics from instructional software, other technology evaluation programs, etc.
    1. This goal will be met when there is an increased attendance at school. Engagement will be tracked by our yearly social emotional survey. In addition to receiving at least 3 distance learning courses per semester this goal will be fulfilled when the district has the capacity to deliver at least 2 distance learning courses per year. Utilization of the podcasting software will be monitored throughout the year. Published podcasts will be provided to the greater school community, including topics that students find interesting. Enrollment of esports club will be large enough to compete on a regional level at least once a year, locally twice a year.
  6. List the action steps that correspond to Goal #3 from your answer to Question 1, above.
    1. Action Step 1
      1. Action Step: Purchasing
      2. Action Step – Description: Purchase software for podcasting and sound development.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Director of Technology
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2023
      5. Anticipated cost: $600.00
    2. Action Step 2
      1. Action Step: Implementation
      2. Action Step – Description: Develop an esports club in the high school and offer esports participation through classroom technology in the elementary school.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Building Principal
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2023
      5. Anticipated cost: $6,000
    3. Action Step 3
      1. Action Step: Implementation
      2. Action Step – Description: Develop a computer science club/student help desk in the Middle/High School.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Building Principal
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2025
      5. Anticipated cost: $2,000
    4. Action Step 4
      1. Action Step: Curriculum
      2. Action Step – Description: Subscribe to Distance Learning consortium to expand course catalog in the Middle/High School.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Building Principal
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2023
      5. Anticipated cost: $40,000
  7. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #4 from your answer to Question 1, above.
    1. Action Step 5
      1. Action Step: Curriculum
      2. Action Step – Description: Adopt software that utilizes AI to help differentiate instruction based on the needs of students.
      3. Responsible Stakeholder: Building Principal
      4. Anticipated date of completion: 06/30/2024
      5. Anticipated cost: $1,000

V. NYSED Initiatives Alignment

1. Explain how the district use of instructional technology will serve as a part of comprehensive and sustained effort to support rigorous academic standards attainment and performance improvement for students.

The district use of instructional technology is becoming more cohesive as the district continues to focus on platforms that can be used PK through 12 that are supported by staff and our local BOCES. Staff are developing curriculum units that allows for student learning opportunities to be differentiated using the integrated classroom technology so that students have the opportunity to practice what they have learned. Technology is used daily throughout the school day and provides immediate feedback to the staff and students on the progression of their learning. Prerecorded materials and engaging platforms allow for students to continue to practice skills taught in the school building.

2. Explain the strategies the district plans to implement to address the need to provide equitable learning “everywhere, all the time” (National Technology Plan). Include both short and long-term solutions, such as device access, internet access, human capacity, infrastructure, partnerships, etc.

The district plans to invest in platforms that allow 24/7 guidance for students utilizing artificial intelligence. The district is expanding its onsite course offerings and classroom settings with new technology, including a distance learning lab. These same learning spaces will be used for afterschool programs including esports and STEM club to increase student engagement and support equity. The purchase of new student devices will allow the district to continue its 1:1 Chromebook initiative. The district is prepared to move to a hybrid or fully remote learning environment in a seamless way, on an individual, class, grade level or building-wide basis.

3. Students with disabilities may be served through the use of instructional technology as well as assistive technology devices and services to ensure access to and participation in the general education curriculum. Describe how instruction using technology is differentiated to support the individual learning needs of students with disabilities.

Student devices allow for the use of assistive technologies such as text-to-speech, read aloud and high contrast imagery. Staff differentiate instruction through their delivery, such as videos, fillable PDFs, and providing students a library of digital resources through Google Classroom. The district is also implementing speech support software in Grade 1.

4. How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of students with disabilities to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments? Please check all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  • Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families for “anytime, anywhere” access (such as through a class website or learning management system).
  • Direct instruction is recorded and provided for students to access asynchronously (such as through a learning management system or private online video channel).
  • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content.
  • Text to speech and/or speech to text software is utilized to provide increased support for comprehension of written or verbal language.
  • Assistive technology is utilized.
  • Technology is used to increase options for students to demonstrate knowledge and skill.
  • Learning games and other interactive software are used to supplement instruction.

5. Please select the professional development that will be offered to teachers of students with disabilities that will enable them to differentiate learning and to increase student language and content learning through the use of technology. Please check all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  • Technology to support writers in the elementary classroom.
  • Technology to support writers in the secondary classroom.
  • Research, writing and technology in a digital world.
  • Enhancing children’s vocabulary development with technology.
  • Reading strategies through technology for students with disabilities.
  • Choosing assistive technology for instructional purposes in the special education classroom.
  • Using technology to differentiate instruction in the special education classroom.
  • Using technology as a way for students with disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
  • Multiple ways of assessing student learning through technology.
  • Electronic communication and collaboration.
  • Promotion of model digital citizenship and responsibility.
  • Integrating technology and curriculum across core content areas.
  • Helping students with disabilities to connect with the world.

6. How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of English Language Learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments? Please check all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

    • Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families for “anytime, anywhere” access (such as through a class website or learning management system).
    • Direct instruction is recorded and provided for students to access asynchronously (such as through a learning management system or private online video channel).
    • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content.
    • Text to speech and/or speech to text software is utilized to provide increased support for comprehension of written or verbal language.
    • Home language dictionaries and translation programs are provided through technology.
    • Technology is used to increase options for students to demonstrate knowledge and skill, such as through the creation of a product or recording of an oral response.
    • Learning games and other interactive software are used to supplement instruction.

7. The district’s Instructional Technology Plan addresses the needs of English Language Learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments in multiple languages.


  1. If yes, check one below:
    1. In the 5 languages most commonly spoken in the district.

8. Please select the professional development that will be offered to teachers of English Language Learners that will enable them to differentiate learning and to increase their student language development and content learning with the use of technology. Please check all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  • Technology to support writers in the elementary classroom.
  • Technology to support writers in the secondary classroom.
  • Research, writing and technology in a digital world.
  • Writing and technology workshop for teachers.
  • Enhancing children’s vocabulary development with technology.
  • Reading strategies for English Language Learners.
  • Moving from learning letters to learning to read.
  • Using technology to differentiate instruction in the language classroom.
  • Multiple ways of assessing student learning through technology.
  • Electronic communication and collaboration.
  • Promotion of model digital citizenship and responsibility.
  • Integrating technology and curriculum across core content areas.
  • Helping students with disabilities to connect with the world.
  • Use camera for documentation.

9. How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity to ensure equitable access to instruction and learning? Please check all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  • McKinney-Vento information is prominently located on individual school websites, as well as the district website.
  • Set enrollment forms to automatically provide the McKinney-Vento liaison with contact information for students who indicate possible homelessness and/or housing insecurity.
  • Provide students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity with tablets or laptops, mobile hotspots, prepaid cell phones, and other devices and connectivity.
  • Provide students a way to protect and charge any devices they are provided with by the district.
  • Replace devices that are damaged or stolen as needed.
  • Assess readiness-to-use technology skills before disseminating devices to students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity.
  • Create individualized plans for providing access to technology and internet on a case-by-case basis for any student experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity.
  • Have resources available to get families and students step-by-step instructions on how to set-up and use their districts Learning Management System or website.
  • Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families.
  • Direct instruction is recorded and provided for students to access asynchronously (such as through a learning management system, DVD, or private online video channel).
  • Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content.
  • Conduct regular educational check-ins with all students experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity and secure any help needed to keep up with course work.
  • Adjust assignments to be completed successfully using only the resources students have available.
  • Offer a technology support hotline during flexible hours.

10. How does the district use instructional technology to facilitate culturally responsive instruction and learning environments? Please check all that apply from the provided options and/or check ‘Other’ for options not available on the list.

  • The district uses instructional technology to strengthen relationships and connections with families to assist in building a culturally responsive learning environment to enhance student learning.
  • The district uses instructional technology to facilitate classroom projects that involve the community.
  • The district uses instructional technology to develop and organize coherent and relevant units, lessons, and learning tasks that build upon students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences.
  • The district uses instructional technology to assist in varying teaching approaches to accommodate diverse learning styles and language proficiencies.
  • The district uses instructional technology to enable students to communicate and collaborate with students in different schools or districts in New York State, the United States, or with different countries.
  • The district uses instructional technology to facilitate collaborative classroom projects among heterogeneous student groups.

VI. Administrative Management Plan

  1. Staff Plan: Provide the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) count, as of plan submission date, of all staff whose primary responsibility is delivering technology integration training and support and/or technical support.
    1. District Technology Leadership
      1. Full-time Equivalent (FTE): 0.40
    2. Instructional Support
      1. Full-time Equivalent (FTE): 0.20
    3. Technical Support
      1. Full-time Equivalent (FTE): 0.40
    4. Totals: 1.00
  2. Investment Plan: Provide a three-year investment plan to support the vision and goals. All costs must be calculated for the entire three year-period, not annualized. For example, if a cost occurs annually, the estimated cost should include the annual cost times three. Provide a three-year investment plan to support the vision in Section II and goals in Section IV. A chart with drop-down choices is provided in order for NYSED to obtain consistent responses to this question. All cells in the table must be populated. If you have less than four items in your plan, you must choose N/A for columns one, two, four, five and six, and put zero in column three (estimated cost) for each unneeded row.
    1. Item 1
      1. Anticipated Item or Service: End User Computing Devices
      2. Estimated cost: $160,000
      3. Is Cost One-Time, Annual, or Both?
        1. Both
      4. Potential Funding Source.
        1. Grants
        2. Smart Schools Bond Act
    2. Item 2
      1. Anticipated Item or Service: Professional Development
      2. Estimated cost: $37,500
      3. Is Cost One-Time, Annual, or Both?
        1. Both
      4. Potential Funding Source.
        1. BOCES Co-Ser Purchase District
        2. District Operating Budget
    3. Item 3
      1. Anticipated Item or Service: Instructional and Administrative Software
      2. Estimated cost: $146,800
      3. Is Cost One-Time, Annual, or Both?
        1. Annual
      4. Potential Funding Source.
        1. BOCES Co-Ser Purchase District
        2. Grants
        3. Instructional Resources Aid
    4. Item 4
      1. Anticipated Item or Service: Staffing
      2. Estimated cost: $337,000
      3. Is Cost One-Time, Annual, or Both?
        1. Both
      4. Potential Funding Source.
        1. District Operating Budget
        2. Grants
    5. Totals: $433,000
  3. Has the school district provided for the loan of instructional computer hardware to students legally attending nonpublic schools pursuant to Education Law, section 754?
    1. Not Applicable
  4. Districts are required to post either the responses to this survey or a more comprehensive technology plan that includes all of the elements in this survey. Please provide the URL here. The URL must link to a public website where the survey or plan can be easily accessed by the community.
    2. Please note, our website is undergoing reconstruction and this link will change. We will email when such change occurs.

VII – Sharing Innovative Educational Technology Programs

  1. Please choose one or more topics that reflect an innovative educational technology program that has been implemented for at least two years at a building or district level. Use ‘Other’ to share a category that is not on the list.
    1. Blended and/or Flipped Classrooms
  2. Provide the name, title, and e-mail of the person to be contacted in order to obtain more information about the innovative program(s) at your district.
    1. Name of Contact Person: Tammy Reidell
      1. Title: Principal
      2. E-mail address:
      3. Innovative Programs
        1. Blended and/or Flipped Classrooms
        2. Engaging School Community through Technology
        3. Instruction and Learning with Technology
        4. Professional Development/Professional Learning
  3. If you want to list multiple contact points for the innovative programs above, please provide the names, titles, and e-mail addresses of the people to be contacted in order to obtain more information about the innovative program(s) at your district.
    1. Name of Contact Person: Lauren Luckert
      1. Title: Director of Technology
      2. E-mail address:
      3. Innovative Programs
        1. 1:1 Device Program
        2. Data Privacy and Security
    2. Name of Contact Person: Samuel Ratti-Robinson
      1. Title: Principal
      2. E-mail address:
      3. Innovative Programs
        1. Instruction and Learning with Technology
        2. Professional Development/Professional Learning