Northville Central School District Professional Development Plan 2019-2020
PLP Committee
- Leslie Ford, Superintendent
- Tammy Reidell, Elementary Principal
- Kyle McFarland, MS/HS Principal
- Wendy Sweet, NTA President, SpEd Teacher, Teacher Leader
- Carla Williams, Teacher, Leader
- John Karbowski, Teacher Collaborator
- Jill Harris, Teacher Leader
- Jamie Dickinson, Teacher Leader
- Ericka Curley, SpEd, Teacher Collaborator
- Kathy Spencer, SpEd, Teacher Collaborator
- Justin Frederick, Pathway Teacher, Teacher Collaborator
- Cristen Shepherd, Parent
Higher Education – We plan with a team from Fulton County Community College for college credits, aligned programs and preparing high school students for college: Ronalyn Wilson, Jeanmarie Reinke
Needs Analysis
Relate professional learning to educator practice, curriculum development as responsive and reflective of the district needs.
The district, through surveying students and the reflective self-review process, has identified the need to challenge students through constructing lesson plans that raise the rigor, relevance and engagement in the classroom. Student data (grades) from all four core subjects indicated that achievement tended to fall in the mid-range, with not enough students scoring at the challenge level. Implementation is intended to take place over four years.
Professional Learning Opportunities for Teachers
Northville Central School District serves the surrounding small, rural communities of Northville, Northampton, Hope, Benson and Edinburg. The poverty rate for students, according to Free and Reduced Lunch rates, consistently stays at 50%. This is in contrast with the high land value for second and vacation homes surrounding the Great Sacandaga Lake.
- Professional learning aligned with NY teaching, leadership and learning standards, assessments, student needs, adult learning theory, current research.
- Professional learning provided across grade levels.
- How the district will measure the impact of professional learning on student achievement, teacher education, leader practices.
Expectations by the district or professional learning involvement by teachers:
Level 1
The district begins each school year with a four-day Symposium (Superintendent Conference Days). The content of the Symposium is planned with input from Curriculum Council (Lead Teachers and Collaborating Teachers), feedback from teachers and staff Board goals and State Ed requirements.
The Board makes every effort annually to assign funds specifically for professional development. This allows teachers to attend workshops and conferences aligned with the Board and ESSA goals.
Level 2
NCSD has a district-level Curriculum Council that meets monthly. Each Lead Teacher and Teacher Collaborator identifies one project/goal aligned with ESSA and Board goals. These goals typically exist over multiple years, and provide training and collaboration to a group of teachers (grade or content level). In addition, Curriculum Council members may also coach peers by visiting their classroom and using either the Rigor, Relevance, or Engagement rubrics to enter into reflective discussion about lesson planning and learning opportunities. Curriculum Council members participate in the following professional development: Book Study, conference and workshops specific to a goal, professional development preparation and delivery to NCSD teachers.
NCSD also has a District Data team that engages in data analysis and reflection to guide the work of principals and teachers. This group meets four times a year to review specific data points in depth in order to inform school Data Team, instruction, and Principal progress monitoring.
Level 3: Administration and Board Leadership Training
NCSD Principals attend state and national conferences. The expectation is that, as instructional leaders, they will attend training in the interest of their school that they may turnkey or organize to assist teachers with their goals. These areas include Social-Emotional learning, poverty, Next Generation standards, State testing, Technology, engaging and encouraging students, or training specific to an area of instruction such as writing.
The Superintendent seeks out challenging training in the areas of Social Emotional, Cultural management, Business and Organizational Development. In addition, the Superintendent provides continuous training to the Board concerning instruction, capital project planning, finance, and human resources.
Methods for delivery professional learning as effective delivery for adult learners.
The primary method used for professional learning at NCSD is coaching, which research shows is the most effective model for collaboration, developing leadership and changing school culture.
Source: The Power of School Culture. Leadership, v32 n2 p32-35 Nov-Dec 2002)
CTLE hours completed.
CTLE hours are maintained individually by teachers. In addition to Title II Professional Development, some teachers also attend conferences and BOCES training.
Minimum of 15% of the professional learning hours will be provided for all other professional certificates in language acquisition, addressing the needs of ELL.
We are om the beginning stages of preparing for ELL instruction. Our ELL population is very small and we are a rural district. The elementary principal has been attending training sessions to help us plan for the full 15% in the future. In the meantime, we work with a coach to improve coteaching practices, and specifically a Math coach for both elementary and secondary teachers who have helped to align instruction to the Next Gen standards and articulate instruction K-12.
Minimum of 15% of professional learning clock hours provided for holders of a level III teaching assistant certificate, addressing the needs of English Language Learners, integrating language ad content instruction for ELL’s.
Northville Central School District has fewer than six ENL identified students in the Elementary school, and none in the MS/HS. Teacher have had no previous experience with ELL or ENL instruction. This year, the Elementary principal will attend a BOCES training regarding ENL instruction in order to integrate this strand into the PD cycle. She will provide an informational training for all teachers and teaching assistants this year.
Provision for training in school violence prevention, intervention, child abuse recognition, needs of children with autism, DASA for all staff.
Training to keep teachers and staff current on issues and updates for child abuse recognition and reporting, and DASA requirements are provided each year during Symposium.
2019-2022 Goal Planning
Theme: Ready to Compete in a Larger World
Board Goals
- Continuous improvement for academic achievement, graduation
Annual ESSA pan goals
District framework goals
Consider adding courses to enhance NCSD college standing - Continuous planning of Capital projects, $100,000 annually
Identify 3 successive capital projects
Include planning for $100,000 annually in budget development - Emphasis on community communication and engagement
Plan annual showcase
Seek level of community understating to plan successive Capital projects
Include teachers – educating, engaging, involving, in all progress
Develop a new website for the District - Organize the district for innovation and leadership as a continuous process
Explore the benefits of flexible scheduling for student learning
Continuous support for teacher and staff leadership growth
Consistent sharing of PD by teachers for teachers
Employ technology as a means to “push out” problem solving, PBL, improve instruction
Present leadership, pathway growth at a national conference - Students prepared by social and emotional standards for adult life beyond graduation
Integrate international connections for students through technology and academic visa options
Collect information regarding NCSD graduates to measure results
Create a support network for graduates with diverse community members - Skill Development and Problem Solving for real world experience through academic standards-focused learning, career competencies and Strengths
Support the attainment of mastery level for Next Gen standards, all grade and content areas
Expectation set for PBL, every grade level and content area, every year – frequency set by Principals
Support the growth of Applied Fabrication Technology Pathway, business connections
Integrate the 17 Career Competencies into K-12 classroom instruction
Support growth within a pathway to maximize opportunities for business connections, begin planning for a second pathway
Increase business connections, including through the Chamber of Commerce
ESSA Goal: 2019 – 2020
ELA, Math
- ELA, Math progress
- Implementation: Content vocabulary, academic language, Tier I, II
- Specially Designed Instruction
- Implementation: Coteacher lesson planning, admin coaching
- Next Gen Standards, Science
- Implementation: Implementing Smithsonian Kits, Mystery Doug
- Next Gen Standards implementation
- Implementation: Crosswalk and resource review, collaborative work
- ELA, Math progress
- Targeted instruction during Math Lab for multi-step questions
- Extended lab environment for 6-7 grade students, ELA, Math, weekly
- SBIT team creation to progress monitor student achievement, struggling students
- Communication tools
- Implementation: Power School, District Attorney support
- SpEd Office, MS Transition support
- Implementation: Small group lessons with psychologist
- Clear expectations for families
- Implementation: Revise Student Handbook, seek best practices
- Wellness Closet, Backpack program
- Implementation: Increase frequency for closet, explore additional food support
- Ensure accurate residency checks
- Implement a CTE attendance program
- Require minimum absences for students each quarter
Curriculum Council goal support
- Identify gaps in Next Gen Standards
- Implement RTI “schoolwide”
- Offer college level courses
- Consider funding full-day pre-K
- Create ways to decrease absenteeism