Important Yearbook information for Senior Students and Parents

Seniors: Please make sure that you have finalized your picture on the i-Smile site at by Dec. 31. After that, the picture will be chosen for you by the i-Smile team. If you cannot access your pictures or if you haven’t looked at them yet, click on the banner at the top of the screen so …

*Get NCS Updates Via ParentSquare*

ParentSquare notifications groups are available for community members and alumni who would like to keep up with events happening at NCS! Community Member Updates:  If you are or know someone who is not a parent/guardian who would like to receive notice of the following week’s events via email and/or text, please use/share this link and click …

*2024-25 Board of Education Meeting Schedule*

Please see below or click here for the 2024-2025 Board of Education Meeting Schedule. Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month and will be held in the lower-level conference room unless otherwise indicated. 2024 July 9 August 13 September 10 October 8 November 12 December 10 2025 January 14 February 11 …

*Northville Educational Foundation: Community Partnerships Supporting Our School!*

Please visit to find out all about the Northville Educational Foundation, Inc. The NEF is a “non-profit organization with the goal of enhancing the quality of education through strategic partnerships and funding opportunities”. The Northville Educational Foundation organizes fun and exciting alumni and community events while raising money for educational programs and resources for …

BOE Meeting Reminder

The Northville Central School District Board of Education will meet at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, December 10. All NCSD BOE meetings are open to the public. Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings in the lower-level BOE conference room next to the school library media center. The December meeting can also be attended …

Sign Up for rSchoolToday for Sports Notifications

Hey there, sports fans! The winter sports season tips off on Friday, so please don’t forget to sign up for Falcon game reminders and schedule change notifications at rSchoolToday, the local sports app that keeps you up to date on your favorite kids and their favorite sports. Please visit rSchoolToday and look at the links …

Ski and Snowboard Programs Available!

There are several local opportunities for students of most ages to learn to ski or snowboard this winter! Please see the Ski/Snowboard Information Sheet for the 2024-2025 season to see what’s available. If you are interested in the program at Oak Mountain for your child, PLEASE NOTE ALL FORMS MUST BE RETURNED BY NOV. 25. Please contact for further details. …

Congratulations, First-Quarter MS/HS Honor Roll Students!

The list of Middle/High School honor roll students for the first quarter is really impressive; great work, everybody, let’s keep it going in quarter two! The Principal’s List students were rewarded with a chocolate chip cookie this morning. There were so many students who achieved the highest honor roll, we had to take separate photos …

Emergency Early Release Drill Nov. 26

There will be an Emergency Early Release Drill on Tuesday, November 26.  Dismissal will be 15 minutes earlier than usual. Buses will be dropping off students earlier, so please plan ahead. Walkers will be dismissed at approximately 2:20. Thanksgiving Recess is November 27-29. Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

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